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Sustainable Design Tips for Flood-Prone Areas in the Philippines

Image courtesy of Nguyen Kiet @ Unslpash.

Remember that night of the typhoon Ondoy (internationally known as “Ketsana”) in 2009? Walls turned into waterfalls; second floors became makeshift rafts. Floods are a harsh reality in the Philippines, and with climate change intensifying these events, building flood-resistant homes is no longer a luxury; it’s a necessity.

But resilience doesn’t have to mean sacrificing sustainability. “Building High and Dry” is a design approach that tackles floods head-on, all while incorporating eco-friendly practices. Let’s dive into some clever tips to keep your home safe and dry without costing the Earth.

Why Build for Floods?

The Philippines faces a growing challenge with floods. Sustainable design for flood-prone areas offers innovative solutions to protect your home and our planet.

Flood Challenges in the Philippines

With its many islands and mountainous regions, the Philippines faces a double whammy regarding floods.

Geography Plays a Part

Being an archipelago nation, the Philippines has vast coastlines, making it prone to storm surges from typhoons. Additionally, mountainous areas experience heavy rainfall that quickly runs off, overflowing rivers and streams. 

This, combined with low-lying plains, creates numerous flood-prone areas across the country. Take Marikina City, for example, in a valley designated as a natural catchment basin. Excess rainwater from surrounding areas naturally drains there, causing frequent flooding.

The Ripple Effect of Floods

Floods aren’t just a nuisance but devastating. Homes and critical infrastructure like roads and bridges are destroyed, which disrupts transportation and communication. Livelihoods are lost as farms and businesses are submerged. Worst of all, communities are displaced, forced to flee their homes and rebuild their lives.

The 2009 Ondoy typhoon is a stark reminder of this, leaving entire neighborhoods in Metro Manila underwater. But Ondoy wasn’t alone. Typhoons like Haiyan (Yolanda) in 2013 and Goni (Rolly) in 2020 caused widespread devastation with storm surges and intense rainfall, highlighting the constant threat of floods in the Philippines. There’s a pressing need for flood-resilient solutions in the Philippines.

The Cost of Ignoring Flood Risk

Floods aren’t just a headache—they can also cause problems with your cash and stress levels.

Money Woes

Picture this: floodwaters turning your living room furniture into soggy mush, ruining electronics, and washing away keepsakes. Yikes! Replacing everything adds up fast, leaving families scrambling to get back on their feet financially. This burden gets even heavier in areas that flood constantly.

Stress Overload

Beyond the financial headache, floods mess with your emotions, too. Dealing with a wrecked home, being forced to move out, and losing irreplaceable stuff is a huge weight. Putting everything back together feels like climbing a never-ending uphill battle, leaving you frustrated and wiped out.

Insurance and the Flood Gamble

Living in a flood zone might mean getting flood insurance, which can be pricier than regular insurance. Ignoring the flood risk means you could be stuck paying more for insurance anyway, or worse, have no coverage when disaster strikes. It’s a gamble you don’t want to take!

Strategies for Flood Mitigation

The good news is there are ways to keep your home safe from rising waters! Sustainable design for flood-prone areas offers innovative solutions that elevate your living space, both literally and figuratively.

Elevating Your Home

Imagine your Filipino home – a beautiful symbol of resilience – safely above the floodwaters. There are two main ways to achieve this:

Classic Stilts (Bahay Kubo)

The traditional bahay kubo design offers timeless flood protection with its elevated living area on stilts. It allows for natural airflow and easy cleanup underneath. However, modifying an existing house might require additional support structures, and some regulations might limit the height in certain areas.

Platform Power

Building your home on a raised foundation platform offers a sturdy base and keeps everything neatly tucked underneath. This approach can be more customizable for modern designs and potentially easier to adapt to existing structures. However, proper drainage must be incorporated into the platform design, and permits might be needed for significant elevation changes.

The good news? Filipino ingenuity creates a wave of sustainable and stylish elevated house designs that blend tradition with modern functionality. So, you can elevate your home without sacrificing the charm of Filipino architecture. Before starting, check with your local building department to understand any regulations or permits required for elevating your existing home.

Site Selection and Landscaping

Building high isn’t just about the house itself – it’s about choosing the right spot too! Here’s how location and some smart landscaping can help you “flood-proof” your property:

  • Know Your Flood Zone: Before you buy that dream lot, check flood plain maps! Knowing your flood risk zone helps you choose a property that is less likely to become a mini-lake.

  • Plant Power: Nature can be your ally! Planting native, flood-tolerant plants around your home absorbs rainwater and reduces runoff. This translates to less water overwhelming drainage systems and potentially flooding your home.

  • Bioswale Bliss: Have you ever heard of a bioswale? It’s a landscaped depression filled with plants that act like a natural sponge. Bioswales capture rainwater runoff, filter it, and slowly release it into the ground. This helps prevent flooding and recharges groundwater supplies. It’s pretty cool, right?

Sustainable Design Solutions in the Philippines

Elevating your home is a great start, but there’s more to flood-proofing than height! Sustainable design for flood-prone areas offers clever solutions to keep water out and your home dry. Let’s explore some ingenious ideas!

Flood-Proofing Materials

When flood-proofing your Filipino home, the right materials make all the difference! Here are some smart choices to consider:

  • Wall Warriors: Swap out flimsy walls for flood-resistant options. Concrete blocks are super sturdy, while hollow blocks can be treated with waterproofing solutions for added protection.

  • Flood-Fighter Floors: Elevated concrete slabs offer a solid, waterproof base for your floors. Composite decking made from recycled materials is another great option—durable, water-resistant, and eco-friendly!

  • Doors that Don’t Leak: Regular doors turn into waterfalls during floods. Invest in watertight seals for your doors – they create a barrier that keeps floodwaters at bay.

Waterproofing Techniques

Even with flood-resistant materials, a little extra waterproofing goes a long way in protecting your Filipino home. Here are some key areas to focus on:

  • Watertight Walls: Think of waterproof membranes or coatings as invisible shields for your walls. These create a barrier that prevents water from seeping through, keeping your interior dry.

  • Foundation Fortress: Don’t forget the foundation! Waterproofing membranes or coatings applied here are crucial, especially for basements. They act as the first line of defense, stopping floodwater from entering through cracks or gaps.

Pro-tip: Remember, ventilation is key! While waterproofing keeps water out, allowing trapped moisture to escape is important. Proper ventilation helps prevent mold and mildew growth, keeping your home healthy and dry.

Energy Efficiency in Flood-Prone Areas

Living in a flood-prone area doesn’t have to mean living in the dark during power outages. Sustainable design offers clever solutions to keep your home functioning even when floodwaters rise.

Solar Savior

Imagine floods knocking out the power grid, but your lights stay on! Rooftop solar panels can generate electricity for your home, keeping essential appliances running during a flood. It’s a win-win – you become less reliant on the grid and have backup power when needed.

Raincatcher Hero

The rainy season might bring floods, but it also brings a free resource: rainwater! Rainwater harvesting systems collect rainwater from your roof and store it for later use. This precious resource can then be used for toilets, laundry, and even watering your garden – saving you money and reducing your reliance on tap water. Turning a potential problem (floods) into a practical solution is smart!

Preparing for the Inevitable

Sustainable design for flood-prone areas isn’t just about keeping water out – it’s about preparing your home and family for the unexpected. Here are some smart tips to help you be flood-ready!

Emergency Preparedness

Floods might be a fact of life in some parts of the Philippines, but that doesn’t mean you must be caught off guard. Here’s how to be a flood preparedness pro:

Plan It Out

With climate change increasing the flood risk, a flood emergency plan is essential. Sit down with your family and discuss evacuation routes, designate a meeting point outside the flood zone, and plan how to communicate if the power goes out. Knowledge is power, especially during a flood!

Protect What Matters

Important documents like passports and insurance papers can be easily damaged by floodwaters. Flood-proof them by storing them in waterproof containers or high up on shelves. Don’t forget to create a flood kit with essentials like a first-aid kit, bottled water, non-perishable food, and a flashlight. Having these essentials readily available can make a big difference during a crisis.

Flood-Resistant Features

Even the most prepared Filipino home can benefit from some extra flood-resistant features. Here are two clever additions to consider:

Backflow Blocker

Imagine floodwaters overflowing the sewer system and backing into your home – yuck! Installing a backflow preventer is like a one-way valve for your sewage system. It allows wastewater to flow out but acts as a barrier, stopping floodwater and sewage from entering your home. A small investment that can save you a big headache (and a potential health hazard) during a flood.

Quick Disconnect for Safety

Floods and electricity don’t mix. Equipping your appliances with quick-disconnect electrical connections allows for a fast and safe shutoff during a flood. This simple step can prevent electrical hazards and potential fires. Remember, safety comes first! With these smart features in place, your Filipino home will be even more prepared to weather the storms, quite literally, in flood-prone areas of the Philippines.

Protect Your Home and the Environment

Floods are a harsh reality in the Philippines, but they don’t have to spell disaster for your home or the environment. Sustainable design for flood-prone areas offers a beacon of hope. By incorporating these clever tips, you can create a haven for your family and minimize environmental impact. Isn’t that what building a home is truly about – creating a secure and comfortable space for generations? 

At BillionBricks, we believe sustainable design shouldn’t be a luxury but an accessible option for everyone. We’re passionate about empowering Filipino communities to build flood-resilient homes that are kind to the planet. Let’s work together to turn the tide on floods, one sustainable home at a time.

Begin your eco-friendly living with BillionBricks! Experience the future of housing with our net-zero homes, now available in San Mateo, Rizal, and Iligan, Lanao Del Norte, Philippines. If you’ve ever imagined owning an affordable, self-sustaining home, explore our website at to discover how to turn that dream into reality.

If you’re passionate about flood-resilient eco-friendly housing and want to learn more, we recommend you read our article, Traditional Myanmar Stilt Houses: An Eco-friendly Legacy.


  1. Country Water Action: Flood-Ready Marikina City. (2017, June 5). Asian Development Bank.

  2. Philippines: Super Typhoon Goni (Rolly) Humanitarian Needs and Priorities (Nov 2020 – April 2021) – Philippines. (2020, November 9). ReliefWeb.

  3. O’Brien, C. (2022, August 18). How solar power helps with disaster resilience.

  4. Reid, K. (2023, October 17). Typhoon Haiyan: Facts, FAQs, and how to help. World Vision.,people%2C%20and%20displacing%20millions%20more

  5. Taylo, A. S. (2024, March 18). How modern Filipinos gravitate towards bahay kubo — BillionBricks. BillionBricks.

  6. Typhoon Ketsana – Sep 2009. (2023, May 24). ReliefWeb.

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